8-Week Series for Experienced Yogis

Mondays 5:45-7:30pm

New Series Begins October 12 through November 30

Sign up here!

This is a sequential and progressive series of eight yoga asana classes designed to support the growth and development of your yoga practice sadhana.  Classes are run in an interactive, livestream format on Zoom.  If you need to miss a class meeting, you can make up up to two during another class time, such as Thursday 6pm, within the 8 week period.  Engaging with a series builds community and dedication that will help you deepen your experience and understanding of the benefits of yoga.  We will have some time for sharing as part of these sessions, and most of our time will be spend doing yoga asana.   This series is best suited for those with one year or more of yoga experience. 

Recommended text:  Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Edwin Bryant, BKS Iyengar, or other translation.


August 3-September 28, 2020

(No class Labor Day 9/7)