Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga with Tasha Judson

Tasha Judson, Authorized Teacher of Neelakantha Meditation as Taught in Blue Throat Yoga
Upcoming Events:
Mantras for World Peace Group Practice, Sunday March 3, 5pm for one hour @ Tasha Yoga Studio. Join together to send blessings into the world for peace. This Sat Yuga Sankalpa Mandala includes mantra chanting and meditation practice. Free and open to all.
Recognition Sutra Study with Tasha, Tuesdays 8pm EST for one hour. Open to all interested in study of this beautiful non-dual ?akta-?aiva text. New series begins April 2, 2024. Click here to register for the series. ($49 contribution for series)
Join us for our Blue Throat Yoga Meditation Mandala of Practices, August 18-21, 2024! Open to all who have learned Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga.
About Neelakantha Meditation:
Neelakantha Meditation is an exquisite, simple practice for going deep inside to the core of our being. We emerge refreshed, revitalized, and prepared for activity. The practice is natural, working with the nature of the mind and the body so in this way it is an effortless practice, without harsh concentration. Neelakantha Meditation can be practiced anywhere you can sit and close your eyes.
We also learn key concepts for understanding what is happening as we meditate, so that the mind is able to register and value the process. Neelakantha Meditation is deeply profound, simple and easy to practice, as well as highly practical. As the power of the body grows, it releases contractions, stress and tension and allows our natural capacities to reveal themselves and operate more fully and freely in our daily activities.
No beliefs, skills or talents are necessary for this exquisite practice to work fully. Over time with regular practice, Neelakantha Meditation discloses greater access to the sublime vibratory nature of consciousness as freedom and potency at the heart of our own true nature.
Key Features of Neelakantha Meditation:
Comfortable sitting
Easy, natural, effortless practice
Individually tailored method
Adult spirituality
Integration of experiential and theoretical understandings
Support for householder life and livelihood
Nourishment for well being of the body and capacity of the mind
Daily, lifelong practice
- Freedom compatible with embodiment
Learning Neelakantha Meditation:
Learning Neelakantha Meditation begins with individual formal instruction followed by two sets of explanations. These teachings take place in three sessions of about two hours each, all held within a week. In this formal process you receive the essential tools with the enlivened capacity to begin and deepen your beautiful, life-enhancing meditation practice.
The contribution for learning this practice is $450 for adults. Need based payment plans and partial scholarships are available.
To inquire further or register for this course, please email [email protected]. Join a scheduled group, or we are happy to schedule your course at times that work for you.
Ongoing Support:
Support from your teacher:
- You are warmly invited to participate in local meditation group practices led by any of the Authorized Teachers.
- Please email questions and comments at any time, or to set up a phone or in-person meeting to discuss your practice.
Support through Blue Throat Yoga:
- Live programming with teachers of Neelakantha Meditation, including monthly group practice intensives.
- Extensive online library of pre-recorded talks, FAQs, and translations by Paul Muller-Ortega, PhD.
- You are always welcome to attend any Day 2 teachings with an Authorized Teacher of Neelakantha Meditation. There is no additional cost but it is necessary to pre-register.
- Blue Throat Yoga is a school which in addition to meditation teaching offers retreats and study courses to support your practice.
Information about Blue Throat Yoga Meditation School:
Blue Throat Yoga is a school for meditation practice and study founded in 2006 by scholar and teacher Dr. Paul Muller-Ortega. For more information, please visit the Blue Throat Yoga website and Blue Throat Yoga Facebook page.
Natasha “Tasha” Judson, M.Ed. has been practicing Neelakantha Meditation since 2008. She became an Authorized Teacher of Neelakantha Meditation in 2016. Tasha has co-taught multiple courses for Blue Throat Yoga including the foundational course Entering the Heart of Shiva. She has traveled and led multiple trips to Chidambaram Temple and other sacred sites in India. A yoga teacher for over twenty years, Tasha teaches at her own studio in the rural Berkshires of Massachusetts where she also enjoys riding her adopted horse. Before becoming a full time yoga teacher, she taught secondary social studies for nine years and earned her Masters of Education in Curriculum and Development.