Soundbath with Jacob Rudin Thursday, March 20, 6pm



Thursday, March 20, 6pm at Tasha Yoga, 20 Spring Street, Williamstown, MA 01267

The Harmonic Mindfulness Soundbath with Jacob Rudin is an hour-long deep listening and meditation experience which deeply relaxes while allowing for profound emotional journeying and healing. The experience begins with a brief meditation on a spiritual text (typically from the Buddhist tradition but can be from anything) and a grounding to the sounds in the room and within ourselves. An original pre-recorded soundscape consisting of electronically generated binaural beats and field recordings of peaceful natural environments is played to relax the mind. Over this soundscape, NTHNL will play a collection of wind instruments, soothing the listener while guiding them to ever deeper places within themselves.

Sliding Scale $20-$35

Space is Limited.  Please pre-register HERE.

Jacob “NTHNL” Rudin is a classically trained composer and pianist turned multi-flutist, producer and sound-healing practitioner. Having created electronic and acoustic music in a wide variety of contexts since 2012, Jacob works in both the healing and contemporary music worlds, drawing on a rich sonic practice that involves experimental sound design, field recording, and virtuosic performances on a wide range of instruments. He currently lives in Queens, NY, where he teaches piano lessons, hosts regular Soundbaths throughout the city and gigs with his band, NTHNL.

Jacob’s Website