With Monica Endres, Reiki Master and Nancy McCarthy, Certified Yoga Teacher
Saturday 4-6pm February 11 & March 25, 2017
Sessions can be taken independently or together
Come join us for a evening of healing through Restorative Yoga and Reiki.
- Clear out the negative effects of stress.
- Embrace peace and allow yourself to melt into deep relaxation.
- Align your body through gentle movements and stillness.
Monica Endres has been a Reiki Master and energy practitioner for over ten years. Through her own meditation and energy practice she is able to provide a heart-centered healing energy that promotes harmony, health and healing. This subtle, vibrational energy allows the receiver to heal on both a physical and emotional level.
Nancy McCarthy has been a dedicated, regular yoga student and meditator for many years. She completed her yoga teacher training at Tasha Yoga and became a Certified Teacher in 2012. In her regular teaching and Restorative Workshops, Nancy supports each student to find their own alignment, peace, and well-being.
Nancy and Monica developed their collaboration to offer Restorative Yoga Workshops at Tasha Yoga. We are thrilled to have them back!
$25/Single Session
$42/Both Sessions