Three Phases of Yoga: A Guided, Experiential, and Sequential Yoga Journey

Weekend Workshop at TY with Tasha: Dates TBA

For Practitioners of All Levels


In this workshop we embody and name a sequential three-phase cycle of yoga practice.

Friday 7-9: Explores the roots of yoga before yoga began, as well as the roots of conscious embodiment in hip openers and forward bends.

Saturday 10-1: Invokes personal freedom through standing poses and backbends.  Here we focus on mindful attention to the forms and shapes we are manifesting in the body/mind as a basis for liberation. Through these open, expansive poses we investigate how increasing the sattvic balance and clarity in body/mind may allow us to sense what lies beyond limited, conditioned existence.

Saturday 2-5: In the afternoon we turn our world upside down to dramatically shift perspective from self-oriented actions by radiating love and compassion towards others as well.  To dramatically extend our perspective from self to other we embody the forms of inversions, tailored to each individual practitioner.

Sunday 10-1: Our final, morning session proceeds into the shapes of backbends and arm balances, inviting a powerful integration of freedom and compassion.  As these two come together we manifest an immediate offering towards all other beings and the planetary home we inhabit.

Throughout the weekend you will learn concepts to understand and practice poses to experience three phases of yoga in your body/mind: 1) Individual Freedom 2) Compassionate Service 3) Integrating Embodiment.  We explore how your unfolding sequential process can be considered a microcosm of the vast historical phases of yoga in India. Naming and sensing this phased cycle of practice is meant to further your confidence in, commitment to, and understanding of your yoga rendering it even more efficacious.